About Mohammad

Mohammad Alsukhni

·         1.5+ years of experience in android mobile design and development
·         3+ years of education and administration experience.
·         Bachelor and master degrees in Computer Engineering.
·         An ability to design and implement verity of software by using Java, C# or C/C++.
·         Extensive knowledge with Android, Java, and OpenCV.
·         Proficient in Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, and Matlab.
·         Excellent data analysis and modeling skills and Solid Understanding of Object Oriented Programming.
·         Outstanding ability to quickly learn and apply new programming skills to a wide range of applications.

University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
MASc Electrical and Computer Engineering
CGPA:  4.12/4.3
Thesis: Interactive Visualization of the Social Network of Research Collaborations.
Sept 2010 – Jan 2012

Publications: Interactive visualization of the social network of research collaborations

Jordan University of Science and Technology (J.U.S.T)
Bachelor of  Computer Engineering
CGPA: 3.7/4.3

Oct 2002 – Jul 2007

Programming Skills:
Java J2EE, Android SDK, OpenCv, Java Native JNI, C#, C/C++, C++ MFC AppWizard, LibGdx, ASP.net, VB 6.0 &VB.net, ADO & ADO.net, SQL, JDBC, XML, Java Script, HTML, XHTML, Assembly 68K.

Software Packages:
MS Visual studio 6.0, MS Visual studio all versions, Eclipse, Tortoise git, Smartgit, PostgreSQL 9.0, SQLite, MATLAB 7.8 2009a, Omnet++, SIM-script, Microsoft Office suit.

Operating Systems:
Windows 95-2000 XP and 7, Solaris 8-10, Fedora, Ubuntu.


Designing and developing a custom applications store (Subscription based) for android devices.
Tech: Android SDK 1.6 and above, Three-Tiered architecture, custom UI views, support different android screen’s resolution, Java, SQLite, XML, Http Client. Google analytics lib, ACRA, Facebook SDK, Facebook Open Graph, Tortoise git, Smart git, PayPal lib, and library integration.

Apr 2012 – Current

Developing and implementing a highly secure protocol for banking -associated with UOIT university- using android as client and IIS server providing API services. (Ask for more information).
Tech: Java, C#, VB.net, C/C++, ASP.net, Microsoft SQL Server, Stored procedure, SQLite, Android SDK, OpenCV. Eigen Faces Algorithm, Fisherfaces algorithm, LBPH algorimth, Public key encryption (PKI), AES encryption. Face detection and recognition, and QR scanning.

Apr 2013 – Current

Designed, implemented, developed, and published a personal project for android devices called Social Gallery (Facebook Ed). (Ask for more information).
Tech: Java, android SDK, Get Socialized SDK, Facebook SDK, Facebook Open Graph. Json, Gson, and Dropbox SDK.

Apr 2013 – Current

Designed and implemented a face recognition system for Android mobile devices.
Developing and implementing a body tracking system and face blurring for secured areas.
Tech: Android 2.3, Java, OpenCV, Java Native JNI, C++, Face detection and recognition, blob detection and tracking, PCA Algorithm.

Dec 2011 – Mar 2012

Designed and developed graph visualization for co-authorship social network as a research thesis simulation tool.
Tech.: Java, XML parsing, SQL, Postgres 9.1, Graph theory.

Sept 2010 – Oct 2011

Developed, integrated and installed a TV channel over IP for Faculty of computer and information technology in J.U.S.T.
Tech.: C#, Server/Client, TCP/UDP, Streaming, VLC library.
Team Leader of group of four people.

Jun 2009 – Aug 2010

Designed, and developed a Car Tracking System using GSM/GPRS/GPS for Department of Transportation Services.  Beside designed and developed a Radar Speed Control System for police department.
Tech.: C#, Image processing, GSM/GPRS/GPS, CMOS CAM.

 Jun 2009 – Aug 2010

Developed customer satisfaction measurement software for maintenance and repair workshop. 
Tech.: C#, ADO/ADO.NET, SQL, MS Access.

Dec 2008 – May 2009

Developed and published tendering or purchasing System using ASP.net to be used as online tenders.
Tech.: C#, ASP.NET, ADO/ADO.NET, HTML, SQL, MS Access.

Feb 2008 –  Jul 2008

Designed, developed, and built a 3D object scanning machine using ultra sonic sensors as a final year project and awarded first position in ITSAF 2007 competition.
Tech.: C/C++, MFC, C#, OpenGL, Ultrasonic Sensor, PIC Microcontroller.
Team Programming/Designing Leader of group of three people.

Sept 2006 – Jun 2007

Studied, designed, built, and developed a bus station simulator for J.U.S.T university to analyze and study the reasons for delays.
Tech.: C#, Simscript, Queuing Theory.
Team Programming/Designing Leader of group of four people.

Sept 2005 – Jan 2006

Studied, designed and developed Assembler Simulator for a 68K Assembly.
Tech.: C#, String matching, Assembly, Simulation.
Team Programming/Designing Leader of group of five people.
Sept 2005 – Jan 2006


Mobile Software Developer at Mobiroo Inc.
·         Developing and implementing Mobiroo Market Place application for android devices.
·         Java, android SDK, Eclipse, UI/UX design, Git, Three-Tiered Architecture.
Apr 2012 – current

Research Assistant (RA) at University of Ontario Institute of Technology
·         Assisting with designing and implementing mobile application for research purposes.
·         Designing, developing, implementing, and testing phases.
·         Working on Android 2.3, Eclipse, Android-OpenCV, Java Native JNI, android NDK, Cygwin and Zxing, Facial Detection and Recognition, PCA Algorithm.
Dec 2011 – Mar 2012

Teacher Assistant (TA) at University of Ontario Institute of Technology
·     Assisted with responding to student problems; liaised between students and the Professor; assisted with assignments, projects and other administrative duties that were required.
·     Composed regular agendas, hosted weekly meetings, and evaluated assignments, projects and exam papers.

Sept 2010 – Current

Lab Administrator and Supervisor at Jordan University of Science and Technology
·     Worked as Solaris 10 OS administrator on Sun Fire V880 on the Sun Center of Excellence (RAS).
·     Troubleshooting, Solaris OS installation and upgrades, software installation and upgrade, system upgrade/backup, creating and maintaining system users, managing system through Solaris Management Console (SMC), providing system administration support to developers, including installation/support of GCC and java programming software.

Feb 2008 – Aug 2010

Teacher Assistant (TA) at Jordan University of Science and Technology
·     Preparing labs and tutorial materials, and Preparing and marking the exams and quizzes.
·     Teaching, assisting and supporting the students.
·     Awarded for the most time efficient co-worker and quality education.

 Sept 2007 – Aug 2010


Maintenance Microsoft SQL server 2008 Certificate.

Nov 2009 – Dec 2009

Workshop on Intel Parallel Processing – OpenMP.

Jul 2009 – Aug 2009

A+ Certificate which is equivalent to 60 training hours from The Consultative Center for Science and Technology.

Jan 2006 – Feb 2006 

Visual C # .net Certificate which is equivalent to 80 training hours from The Consultative Center for Science and Technology.
Jun 2005 – Jul 2005

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